"Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, One Day at a Time"


be freeI have a sense that the Lord is saying today the Red Sea is parting for many, those who have sought Me and for those that have not yet known Me.  I see many feet standing at the edge of the Sea and you have waited and waited, you have walked on in your distress and in your need, because somewhere inside of you believed in Me say the Lord, I see .  I have seen the distress, I have seen troubled hearts here and afar, and those walking in fear, the doubts that have assailed you, yet you have stayed on the path, sought after truth and reality,  something/someone moved you on, pressed you forward…. My children, “that Someone was Me”.

The Lord says I am honoring you, this is your time, this is your season of light, I am opening windows and doors, some that you have only dreamt of or hoped for and thought would never be,  the Lord says I am a GOOD Father.  I see, I hear and I wait, I will do more, and this includes to restore.  I said in My word,  ask and you shall receive?  Trust Me and believe.  A simple task, for some, too simple to believe!

At times you hit rock bottom, you hit that dead end, yet something inside you moved you on ahead.  Why?  you said and what can it be that my heart yearns for, why do I continue hit this dead end?  I am weary and worn, not able to see, my pathway has been dim, I am tired of not being free.

Red Seas are parting {you will be healed, your marriage will be restored, you will have a sound mind, you will not walk in fear, you will find the path God has chosen, you will come out of the desert place, you will rise up out of that valley, every chain will be broken, you will be whole, every addiction will flee, You Will…. } YOU WILL BE FREE.

chains freeThere is one God,  in Him you can believe.  [Jesus Christ , the Holy One]
You sinned?  ask forgiveness:  YOU WILL BE FREE!!!

You sinned?  ask forgiveness:  The message has always been repent, choose life, be free.  Hopefully not too simple for thee!

Gail Manizak
December 1, 2014

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